Here are the steps:
1. Review feedback on last blog in CNM Learn.
2. Read the instructions for the Report Blog (below).
3. Find and read (or carefully re-read) two digital stories that fall within the subgenres we’ve covered so far (microblogs or full-size blog stories)
4. Draft a formal, full-sized blog that compares and/or contrasts how one literary element (see list below) works in the two digital stories you read (or re-read).
5. Upload your rough draft to Report Blog Draft discussion board on CNM Learn.
1. Review feedback on last blog in CNM Learn by clicking on My Grades
2. Read the instructions for the Report Blog (below)
Report on how two digital stories (microblog or full-sized blog) use the same literary technique.
More Deets:
Click on one literary technique below.
Compare and/or contrast how that one literary element works in the two digital stories you read (or re-read) that Bryan Alexander has covered so far.
Pick a literary element besides plot because you’ll want to begin your blog with a good description of what happens (plot summary) to help the reader follow along.
Main Points
Provide a good plot summary (tell us what happened in the story!)
Define your chosen literary technique in your own words. In other words, paraphrase it.
Explain how specific examples from two stories show how your chosen literary technique is used.
Use end-of-text citations properly (and include hyperlinks).
Make sure to post at least 500 words
3. Find and read (or carefully re-read) two digital stories that fall within the subgenres below and are mentioned by Alexander (in the readings we’ve done so far). You can focus on one subgenre or choose stories from two different ones.
Blog Stories (fiction)
She’s a flight risk (2003)
The Sick Land (2013)
Blog Stories (CreepyPasta)
Slender Man
The Dionaea House
Blog Stories (nonfiction)
WWI: Experience of an English Soldier
The Orwell Diaries
World War II Today
Small Town Noir
Blog Stories (wikis)
SCP Foundation
Microblog Fiction (Twitter)
War of the Worlds
Zombie Attack
Microblog Fiction (Facebook)
Henio Zytomirsky
9 Scientists
4. Draft a formal, full-sized blog that compares and/or contrasts how one literary element (from the list below, excepting plot) works in the two digital stories you read (or re-read):