Week Ten

Let's get visual!


1. Watch video on the five stages of creativity
2. Read the end of Ch. 5 (90-95)
3. Watch a few episodes of Lonelygirl15, Marble Hornets, or Connect with I
4. Click around on the Cinematic Star
5. Microblog about how you might tell a similar digital story using video
6. Respond to two blogs (either on Blackboard or their blog comments)

1. Watch video on the five stages of creativity

2. Read the end of Ch. 5 (90-95) from Bryan Alexander’s The New Digital Storytelling

Image result for the new digital storytelling

3. Watch a few episodes of Lonelygirl15, Marble Hornets, or Connect with I

Marble Hornets Introduction:

Marbet Hornets, episode #1:

Connect with I

4. Click around on the Cinematic Star for Creators

This is the creative version of the cinematic star.

It is simply a graphical representation of the introductory concepts of film. This graphic is clickable, meaning you can click on any of the film terms for more explanation.

Theme Mise en Scene Cinematography Narrative Editing Sound

5. Post link to Microblog (about 100 words) about how you might tell a similar digital story using video to Blackboard

Microblog prompt: Is there an element you notice that is used in one of the videos? Did it help the story? How would you use this element if you were going to make your own video web series? Would you use that film element in a similar manner? How might you use it differently?


6. Respond to two blogs (either on Blackboard or their blog comments)